It was not difficult for the social scientist authors to compile the Holy Book. That was because the materials for the book were abundant in the African spiritual homestead. It was the question of careful selection of the relevant materials and putting them down in black and white in order to create a practical manual that can be used in spiritual deliberations across the Black world. Publishing the materials,, in this case, was like officiating the worship into the literally world.

The Text is Holly because it deliberates on holly grounds of what has been taking place in shrines, public places and homesteads when divine intervention was needed.

The fact that African Religion has survived without a Manual Holy Text does not and should not be construed to mean or imply that there was nothing in African Religion. For millenniums, traditional Africa has survived on oral deliberations. African Religion was cooked on African spiritual fire and served and consumed orally. God and Worship did not come to Africa with the coming of Christianity or Islam Religions.  Religion, Philosophy, History, Art, Music, and the rest of the disciplines had always been in Africa.

There exists an outside of Africa strong belief that Africans do not have a common Religion. What they have are only primitive Religions. Others have labeled Annism as African Religion. That is, Africans believe that all objects, trees, stones, the wind, and so on, have souls. A claim that there is common Religion in Africa capable of being put in a single book is unimaginable to those outsiders suffering from hangovers of colonial beliefs. However, there are foreign scholars who have broken out of that ring of prejudice and researched on the dynamic African spiritual world only to come out with a common conclusion that African Religion is one common Religion, away from the Animism belief.

The ice-breaker of the African-faith particularly to the Western was the French Catholic Father, Placide Tempels,  who in 1945, at the deep-sea of European colonialism in Africa, published his spiritual findings of the African in a book called Bantu Philosophy  in which he argues that the people of Sub-Saharan Africa (using the term “Bantu” as an ethnic label) have a distinctive philosophy. He attempted to describe the underpinnings of that philosophy, that the African philosophical categories can be identified through the categories inherent to language. According to him, the primary metaphysical category is Force. That, Being is Force, and that Force’ is not irreducible attribute of being. That the African life of the mind is structured around understanding and defining Force, which contrasts sharply with the Western enterprise of understanding and defining Being.

 For the Whiteman’s acceptance that Africans haves a common philosophy goes without further argument that Africans have a common Religion. Tempels’ problem was in understanding that, to what the African calls, Force, is related to what the Western calls God, away from Annimism. In simple language, that Force is the Supreme Force behind the existence of the universe and whatever therein.

This Force behind creation, how man perceives and lives within it, is the commonplace African Religion. Throughout traditional Africa that Religion is customarily expressed in various ways. There are already a lot of published materials of those expressions by foreign and local scholars that the authors of the Holy Text relied upon in putting together the book. The authors ignored customary differences and went for commonness. Furthermore, the scientists behind writing the Holy Text, being belonging to the pre-independence generation that had been born and brought up in the traditional Africa, took the advantage of exploiting their traditional knowledge of  Religion in the authorship. They had gone through the colonial Western educational curriculum and finally emerged in the independent African states and, consequently, were in better position to interpret African Religion in universal context. They exploited interpretation of African Religion seen from foreign scholarship, which resulted in authoring a more balanced Text.