- Besides carrying out their spiritual duties within, each Provincial Priest shall act as the advisor of the High Priest
- Each country will have 5 Provincial Priests: hence: North, South, West, East, and Central Province
- Only the Central Province shall be occupied simultaneously by two Priests – one man and one woman
- The Provincial Priest shall be elected by the Council of Elders
- The candidate for the Provincial Priest shall be aged not less than 35 years
- H/She must be of excellent general conduct
- He/she must be married
- He/she must not be a divorcee
- He/she must be well educated
- He/she must be fluent in English and his/her national language
- A university degree would be an advantage although not necessary
- He/she must be committed to the service of the people
- He/she must never have engaged in any physical fight with anybody in the public
- He/she must pass a written test interview