The force responsible for starting life, as we know it on the planet earth, starts from the incredible ball of gas called sun, 93 million miles from the earth. The dynamism of the boiling and spurting sun-ball starts at the hottest core of the sun. The boiling creates magnetic fields. The boiling is reaction of protons that, as energy, on the surface flies in all directions,as energy, out of the mother ball. The flying protons hit the earth causing impacts; and the impacts create splashes (sparks). Different fields and features of the hit points create specific sparks (waves of life) or life in all living things. The constant generation of energy from the mother sun feeds life with more energy to create activities and digestions from within. Entities of the human life, for example, are mere sparks created by impacts of the protons from the mother sun.

The Egyptian Pharaoh (King) Akhenaten, known before the fifth year of his reign as Amenhotep IV, who ruled for 17 years and died perhaps in 1336 BC or 1334 BC, abandoned traditional worship of many gods (polytheism) and introduced worship centered on the Aten (sun god). His change gave the solar deity a status above mere gods, long before the birth of deities such as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and the others .

The big story is: kill the Mother Sun (cosmic force) and all life on earth as we know it finishes. No more deities and worshipping places.