Diviners are the agents of unveiling mysteries of human life.
As a rule, divination is done as part of wider functions, especially of medical nature.
Diviners’ unveiling of mysteries is done through the use of mediums, oracles, divination objects, commonsense, intuitive knowledge and insight, hypnotism and other secret knowledge
The diviner is the person who has the ability to counteract the forces of evil; whom people turn to when they want to understand the mystery of life.
The diviner is a reconciler of the living with the living dead.
The diviner is the personification of good, abundant life and benevolence.
The diviner foretells events and assists people to understand life.
The diviner tries to find out what is going on in people’s lives.
The diviner tells things happening in one’s life and gives reasons for those happenings.
The diviner is gifted by God to find out and discover secrets and unknown things and identifies the root cause of problems.
The diviner communicates with the spirit world because of being endowed with powers to comprehend mysteries of life.
The diviner stands for the betterment of the community through exercising traditional values and Religion.