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Sundays 9–11am
1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA

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Our Mission & Vision

At Divi Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

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October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.

Creation . Redemption . Restoration .

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Divi Road Trip

Oct 31, 2018 @ 5:30pm
1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 93513

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Winter Camp

Nov 7-12, 2018
San Francisco, CA 93513

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.


Prayer Night

Nov 15, 2018 @ 8:00pm
1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 93513

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.



We Gather Every Thursday & Sunday

Thursdays 7–8pm 

Thursdays 8:30–9:30pm 

Sundays 9–11am 

Sundays 3–5pm 

Sundays 8–9pm

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The Latest News & Updates

Blackman is Whiteman’s Tool

Blackman is Whiteman’s Tool

By David Maillu Published December 12, 2024 Once upon a time President Reagan asked, “Why should we help Africans build their economy when they did not help us build our economy?” Now over 30,000 Kenyans who are undocumented in the US fear being targeted under the...

Prayer Answered

Prayer Answered

By David Maillu Published December 3, 2024 Wakiki and Mbesa were not ordinarily girlfriends. They had been high schoolmates when they parted and Mbesa went to college while Wakiki went to Teacher Training. Both ended in being teachers because Mbesa studied Education...

If You Want Nature to Hear Your Prayers You Must Obey Nature’s Laws

If You Want Nature to Hear Your Prayers You Must Obey Nature’s Laws

By David G Maillu Published February 21, 2024 Today is Sunday when countless people have flocked to churches to worship the Almighty God. The worship of God in Africa is nothing new. Since the beginning of life, Africans (black people) have always worshipped God but...

Standoff Between the Roman Catholic Pope and African Bishops

By David Maillu Published January 27, 2024 The present radical Catholic Pope is creating a nightmare in Africa by not only saying the Catholic Church should accept blessing homosexual marriage but also the Church should accept surrogacy. Surrogacy is an arrangement...

Only Parents, Not Church, Can Bless Couples During Marriage

By David Maillu Published January 2, 2024 According to the Roman Catholic Church's traditional setting, sex is only allowed in the marriage between man and woman, and homosexuality is described as “intrinsically disordered.” The Christian marriage doctrine is based on...

God or Nature?

By David Maillu Published September 28, 2023 I have just listened to a presenter on BBC talking about the diminishing glacier in Austria and its devastating consequences to the socio-economics of the community. Then another comment was made by another speaker...

Elderly Widowers Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place

Elderly Widowers Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place

By David Maillu Published September 22, 2023 Married men appear to die earlier than their wives. In countryside widows are everywhere while widowers are rare. The social life of widows is easily addressed by the children. In whatever happens, children appear to remain...

Divorce is a challenge to Marriage Values

Divorce is a challenge to Marriage Values

By David Maillu Published September 16, 2023 Divorce is one of the bitterest things in human social life. The rate of divorce differs from one community to another. In traditional Africa divorce was rare because of the advanced social fabric in which communities...

Do You Fear or Respect God?

By David Maillu Published September 12, 2023 I recently published a question on Facebook asking, “What criteria would you consider best qualities of a wife?” One of the first persons to answer was a man who said, “To me, the first qualification is that she be a...

Government of Economic Rustlers

By David Maillu Published September 11, 2023 Former Chief Justice of Kenya, Willy Mutunga, described Kenya as a bandit economy. Why? Because a lot of what happens up in the sleeves of leadership and engineering economy, is dominated by banditry exercises. The story of...

Sex and Religion

Sex and Religion

By David Maillu Published September 4, 2023 In Kikamba language there is a word, “wiu.” You hear in Akamba tradition that no burial in the family should take place during the “wiu” condition. Although the word means “blackness,” it refers to menstruation. That is, if...

The ‘Bad Eye’ Witch

The ‘Bad Eye’ Witch

By David Maillu Published September 1, 2023 There are people born with special and deadly bodily attributes which qualify them to be given certain names. Stories abound that there are people who are, by fate design, misfortune causers. In scientific language, they are...

The Role and Place of Diviners in Africa

The Role and Place of Diviners in Africa

By David Maillu Published August 28, 2023 In Africa a diviner is someone with ability to see into the future and into many hidden things. That person is generally referred to as a prophet. Divinity is an inborn gift and diviners are often consulted by individuals and...

Is It Wrong to Worship Ancestral Spirits?

By David Maillu Published June 18, 2023 Recognition of the power of ancestral spirits is a household subject in African homesteads. This is why white people accuse Africans of worshipping ancestral spirits. They link ancestral spirits to witchcraft. Africans believe...

Homosexuality is Decadence of Human Integrity

Homosexuality is Decadence of Human Integrity

By David Maillu Published March 6, 2023 If we go by modern scientific argument that Africa is the genesis of the human race, then African cultures should be the genesis of world cultures. Hence, Africa's is the oldest and most refined culture in the world. That is my...